Ever lie awake at night wondering if this month’s bills are going to exceed your bank balance? It’s a scenario many people can relate to, no matter how large or small the paycheck. If you want to take control over your finances (instead of being controlled by them), the first step is understanding where your money actually goes by creating a budget. Yes, the dreaded “B” word!
Although it’s about as popular as the word “diet,” a budget is simply a tool that empowers you to make more informed decisions about allocating your money. By listing all your income sources, along with your fixed and variable expenses, you’ll have a clear snapshot of where gaps and opportunities exist. From there, you can adjust and plan accordingly, taking the guesswork out of day-to-day spending. Instead of being restrictive, a budget actually gives you financial freedom by reducing the anxiety of the unknown.
As a Keesler Federal member, you have free access to a variety of convenient financial management resources, including an in-house financial counselor who will partner with you to design a budget that fits your needs.
To get started, download and complete the Financial Counseling Budget Worksheet on our Financial Counseling web page. To make an appointment with our counselor, call 228-701-1423 or 888-533-7537, ext 6407.