Credit Score Monitoring
Keesler Federal offers FREE credit score reporting through the SavvyMoney program. SavvyMoney helps you stay on top of your credit and understand what your score represents. You get your latest credit score and report, the key factors that impact the score and the most up to date offers that your credit score earns you. With this program, you always know where you stand with your credit and how Keesler Federal can help save you money by reducing interest fees.
What is a SavvyMoney Credit Report?
The SavvyMoney Credit Report provides you all the information you would find on your credit file including a list of open loans, accounts and credit inquiries. You will also be able to see details on your payment history, credit utilization and public records that show up on your account. SavvyMoney pulls your credit profile from TransUnion, one of the three major credit reporting bureaus.
How often is my credit score updated within SavvyMoney?
If you are a regular online banking user, your credit score will be updated every month and displayed on your Keesler Online and Mobile banking home page. You can click “refresh score” as frequently as every day by navigating to the detailed SavvyMoney module.
Will checking my score in SavvyMoney affect my credit and possibly lower my credit score?
No. SavvyMoney is a “soft pull”, which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use “hard pulls” when making underwriting decisions about your loan requests which can reduce your credit score.
Does SavvyMoney offer credit report monitoring as well?
Yes, SavvyMoney monitors and sends email alerts when there has been a change to your credit profile.
Does SavvyMoney work on mobile devices?
Yes, SavvyMoney can be accessed on both mobile and tablet devices. On the mobile app, it is located under the “More Widgets” menu. From there, you would launch SavvyMoney.
Does Keesler Federal use SavvyMoney to make loan underwriting decisions?
No, Keesler Federal uses its own established methods for pulling member credit reports for loan decisions. SavvyMoney is strictly an educational tool for members to monitor and understand their credit scores.
How does SavvyMoney keep my financial information secure?
SavvyMoney uses bank level encryptions and other security measures to ensure your data is safe. Your information is never sold or shared with a third party.
Can a joint account holder also use SavvyMoney?
SavvyMoney pulls the credit score based on the information of the primary account holder only. A joint account holder would have to open their own account as a primary account holder to get their own SavvyMoney module.
Login here to explore your credit score with SavvyMoney.